Jerry Chu's Book Review

“I've known the Kai's for decades. Ying and Grace kai are little known in this world but influential missionaries that I'm sure are well known by angels and saints in heaven. Answering to a calling, they gave up the comfortable life of being a pastor in a Texas church and trusted the Lord for provision and went to China and started a movement that still continues. This is such a touching story that will surely encourage and activate every Christian!”

- Jerry Chu ★★★★★

Chad Mason's Book Review

“This a tremendous resource for all aspiring Christian leaders. The primary mission of a follower of Jesus Christ is to make disciples among the nations. In today's world where so many christians are full of Bible knowledge, yet struggle to obey the simplest of Jesus commands. Ying and Grace Kai's book lays out a simple strategy that clarify's the task found in the great commission. Building on obedience based discipleship methods, the Kai's Training for Trainers, gives leaders a powerful tool to train new disciples (trainers) to partner with the Holy Spirit to see the Kingdom of God extended to all peoples everywhere. Every leader, great and small should read this book. But be careful this is not a read and move on kind of a book, its words have had a transforming impact all over the world. Be warned! It may transform your life as well. I know it has mine.”

- Chad Mason ★★★★★

Steve Smith's Book Review

“In this era of multiplying church planting movements, few methodological approaches have had more impact that T4T in its many cultural adaptations around the world. T4T has provided sails that ordinary believers can raise to move with the winds of the Spirit. More than the method, however, is the man and woman of faith God is using. As movements are more caught than taught, the Kai’s have humbly modeled the sacrificial spirit of faith needed to see God move in power and inspired tens of thousands. This book shares their journey and T4T in its original shape and form. Throughout this book rings the heart-felt call from a man and woman of God who have helped shape a generation of disciple-makers around the world. I heartily commend this account of how God has used them.”

- Steve Smith ★★★★★

Stephen Clark's Book Review

“Training for Trainers by Ying & Grace Kai is a book every Christian should read if you are serious about living out the Great Commission, to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). The book takes you through the story of Ying and Grace Kai, missionaries in Asia, who upon entering into a new missionary assignment found that their former ways of sharing the gospel and making disciples was not sufficient for reaching the many millions of people who needed to hear about Christ in this new city in which they were sent. The Lord put on their heart a new, but not really new, way of multiplying disciples. A method that really has as its roots that which was done in Bible times. And the fruit of their obedience in that was and still is today amazing.”

- Stephen Clark ★★★★★

Stephen Addison's Book Review

“I’ve been a student of movements that multiply disciples and churches for thirty years. Ying and Grace Kai are standouts as pioneers, catalysts, trainers and strategists for church planting movements. To meet them is to be infected by their contagious love for Jesus and their passion to reach people far from God. This book is a treasure trove of case studies, principles and practices for people who share their heart for God and the Great Commission.”

- Stephen Addison ★★★★★

Gary Stump's Book Review

“This book tells the real story of the processes that Ying used to see the incredible multiplication of disciples in East Asia. I've spent a great deal of time with Ying and Grace and know that they are amazing, humble, faithful, and effective servants of Christ. We have employed the concepts as outlined in this book in our congregation and have seen wonderful results as our members have been trained how to make disciples who make disciples in the American church context. My recommendation is that every pastor who has a desire to equip his people for the work of the ministry should read and apply the simple and powerfully effective principles that Ying outlines in these pages. To God be the glory.”

- Gary Stump ★★★★★