Many people like me have read the Bible many times over but never understood it. Abraham never read the Bible, but he understood every word from God. Abraham knew how to pray. He would ask and plead with our God, but he would always abide by God's sovereignty! Grace and I are willing to follow this example and work for the Lord, abiding by His sovereignty.
“I just wanted to share how T4T has been such a wonderful tool that I have used in my ministry over the last 10 years. When I first learned about T4T, I was a new believer myself and in college…
Twenty years ago, in November 2000, we started T4T training under the guidance and touch of the Holy Spirit!
At that time, we had been serving the Lord for more than 25 years. We were determined to obey, abandon the old pastoral observations, and obey Jesus' Great Commission to train everyone to become a disciple of the Lord…
This year has been a very unusual period. There are many things that we cannot control, like the COVID-19 virus. I myself experienced two consecutive emergencies leading to a triple by-pass. I realized how weak I was…
Praise the Father's great love! In 2019 we trained more than 12,000 disciples around the world. God's blessings and grace is everywhere. Many people's lives have been rebuilt, and many lives have been changed! One of the greatest blessings is that we were able to work together and obey the Great commission of Jesus!
Thank God for the Father's grace and love. From January to July 2019, we trained T4T in India, the Philippines, South Korea, Belarus, and Australia. In the US, we trained in North Carolina, Oklahoma City, Houston and Pennsylvania. A total of more than 3,000 people have been trained…
From the second half of 2018 to Feb. 2019, we trained at the following countries: Russia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Korea, Bulgaria, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Austria, Switzerland, India, North America and the Philippines. There were more than 2,500 people that participated in the various T4T training…
The power of the Holy Spirit works with us daily. We strive to follow the Great Commission of Jesus and lead many to become disciples of the Lord. In 2018, we trained more than 6,000 people in more than twenty different countries and regions…
Hill Country Bible Church Leander’s pastor, Peter Horn, encourages all members to write down their name list from their Oikos. They’re posted on four walls of their church and are called prayer walls. Currently, the four walls have over 1,500 names!
Reverend Donald Davis serves at St Luke’s Parish Church in the Church of England. After receiving T4T training, he led his congregation to spread the gospel on the streets. Furthermore, he trained them to be disciples of God, not just members of the church…
Rajesh was a terrorist who came from northeastern India. After he became a Christian, we trained him to become a trainer (disciple of the Lord). He immediately led four other terrorists to believe in Jesus and trained them to become disciples of the Lord…
Amos, a God-fearing brother, evangelizes in the northeast of India every day after we train him to become a disciple of the Lord. He is now a pastor of a group of 250 groups…
When I was first introduced to T4T or Training for Trainers, I saw it as a simplified method of discipleship that would likely be effective in other countries but probably would not be adaptable to most churches in the United States…
Brother Sasha’s team is located in the southern region of Ukraine. Two years ago (2015), they started utilizing T4T. By May of 2017, they have started 27 churches and over 400 small groups! At the same time, they baptized over one thousand new believers…
This Brother is from Hanoi. Over the past few years, he faced a lot of persecution. Utilizing T4T, he has been able to lead over 5,000 to Christ. Praise the Lord!
These past few days have been very difficult but has allowed us to once again experience the Lords might and grace with an incredibly quick recovery. Praise the Lord!
Since their T4T training, Pastor Dr. Bill Johnson has shared that their Church has baptized 8 people this year so far and have another 10 people that they are hoping to baptize soon…
Indonesia has a population over 240 million and is one of the largest Muslim countries. Praise the Lord, in recent years, the most conservative estimate of the Christian population is over 25%…
In November 2000, Ying trained his first training group which consisted of thirty farmer. In December 2001 (13 months later), with the help of the Holy Spirit, they led more than 10,000 people to Christ and formed a total of 906 teams…
In June of 2015, Grace trained a group of new believers in Bangladesh that were all women with a Muslim background. Among them was a woman named Nasema, who at the time was experiencing many different problems at home…