Training in Austin Oaks Church
“I just wanted to share how T4T has been such a wonderful tool that I have used in my ministry over the last 10 years. When I first learned about T4T, I was a new believer myself and in college. I started teaching T4T to some non-believing friends in East Asia, and I saw one friend come to faith over the few months we did the study together. I came back to the US, and started using T4T on my college campus as I led international ministry on my campus. During that season of my life, I trained other Americans how to use T4T, and we saw about 10 international students come to faith on our campus in about a year's time. As I saw some of my international friends come to faith over T4T studies, I encouraged them to find others to do T4T with. After college, I moved to another state for graduate school, and started another T4T movement within the young adult ministry at our multi-cultural church. We did T4T with both new believers to help them strengthen the foundations of their faith and challenge them to start doing T4T with others, and we also did T4T with non-believers. Over the 6 months of this initiative, we saw 3 people come to faith (out of the 8 of us that committed to teach T4T). Now I am working as a college professor, but T4T continues to be the discipleship method I go back to time and time again as I share the gospel with others, and disciple new believers. T4T gave me a foundation and tools to share my faith with others, and showed me how easy it is to lead a Bible study by myself. T4T was the first Bible study I ever led. The multiplication method of T4T really makes it unique from other Bible study materials, and its simplicity makes it reproducible. While I am sure you are already aware of how effective T4T is, I just wanted to share how much it has meant to me, and how it continues to be a tool I use. Keep up the great work!”
—Bethany Li