Many people like me have read the Bible many times over but never understood it. Abraham never read the Bible, but he understood every word from God. Abraham knew how to pray. He would ask and plead with our God, but he would always abide by God's sovereignty! Grace and I are willing to follow this example and work for the Lord, abiding by His sovereignty.
Testimony: How T4T has transformed the way I do ministry
Wonderful and Abundant Grace
Twenty years ago, in November 2000, we started T4T training under the guidance and touch of the Holy Spirit!
At that time, we had been serving the Lord for more than 25 years. We were determined to obey, abandon the old pastoral observations, and obey Jesus' Great Commission to train everyone to become a disciple of the Lord…
2020 Update: In an unusual year we can still serve the Lord!
Over 12,000 disciples around the world in 2019!
Praise the Father's great love! In 2019 we trained more than 12,000 disciples around the world. God's blessings and grace is everywhere. Many people's lives have been rebuilt, and many lives have been changed! One of the greatest blessings is that we were able to work together and obey the Great commission of Jesus!
Over 3,000 Trained in India, the Philippines, South Korea, Belarus, Australia and US
Over 2,500 people trained across the globe in 8 months
From the second half of 2018 to Feb. 2019, we trained at the following countries: Russia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Korea, Bulgaria, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Austria, Switzerland, India, North America and the Philippines. There were more than 2,500 people that participated in the various T4T training…